Pediatric Neurology

Pediatric Neurology

Our trained expert neurologists can enhance neuro developmental outcome in children.

Babies born extremely preterm, with very low birth weight must overcome many medical and psycho-social problems which have the potential to exert negative influences on their subsequent developmental status. Neurocritical care in newborns includes continuous multimodal monitoring, neuroprotection after hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in the form therapeutic hypothermia and rehabilitation for preterm babies.

Neurosensory rehabilitation starts from the hospitalization period and includes sensory stimulation and hearing (OAE/BERA) and vision assessments (ROP) at the earliest. Intervention happens based on necessity. Motor rehabilitation doesn’t just include early stimulation. It is completely based on infant directed learning and initiation of actions.

We as a multidisciplinary team including Pediatric neurologists, neonatologists, trained neonatal nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists can intervene and improve the neurodevelopmental outcome in these children.