The 4th trimester
Nothing trust me nothing prepares you for this…
with the first child a mother is born …
Like baby who learns to slowly adapt to his new surrounding first time moms also need time to
adjust , adapt to the new born
It’s bullshit when some one says they fell in love with the baby right away … atleast I dint ….no
one loves a crying clingy whining person who is always hungry . Wakes up every 2 hrs and
poops a lot …. … so don’t worry much if you don’t get bonded to the baby on day 1 …
I had no idea how to even react …everyone around me were more excited that I was ….. they
were celebrating that I had a normal delivery and breast feeding …. later I realised few of my
friends were actually depressed that they had csections and were bottle feeding …. normal or c-
section , bottle or breast nothing makes you less of a mother. Nothing is easy and all moms do
sacrifice their bodies and life for the new borns … so stop worrying what way u got the baby out
just worry about you …
you have just pushed a baby out and your hormones are all over … on to that u have a huge
responsibility of 3kgs sack …. so relax and remember this too shall pass…
more than anything take care of urself ….pamper urself if you can … watch your fav movie …
listen to music … eat the food you like … these little things helped me a lot with my second
baby … for the first baby I dint know better ….
I couldn’t sleep … I was in pain … I couldn’t move … and I hated the feeling of breast feeding …
the first day at home was horrible … the baby cried through night me and my hubby had no
idea why … we took baby classes .. Lamaze classes had read many baby book nothing trust me
nothing prepared us for this ….
How much ever you were prepared it would still be very very intimidating / suffocating
my days were mixed with nights … I felt like I was house arrested … isolated …I couldn’t step
out of the house( We went for lunch when the baby was asleep but before we could get to our
main course we got a call from home that the little lady wants her lunch …so we had to hurry
up the main course and skip dessert ) …it was all new …. not an easy transition …. from
watching late night movies …. brunches …. midnight binges ….parties .. movies to diapers …
feeding and cleaning bums ….
Trust me with the second child you don’t feel this because you have already been enslaved by
your first … by the second you would have been domisticated and babyfied so I won’t say it will
be easy but you will be prepared
We all adapt differently so give urself time